附件:2024/2025 学年“一带一路”奖学金(在澳门留学奖学金)招生办法(中英文,共4页)
2024/2025 学年“一带一路”奖学金(在澳门留学奖学金)招生办法
就读课程: 学士学位课程
奖学金(澳门元/人/年): 100,000
总名额(人/年): 10
计划日程 | ||
日期 | 事項 | |
6 月 3 日 至 8 月 30 日 | 申请 | 获所在国家教育部 / 中华人民共和国驻相关国家使领馆推荐,且获澳门高等院校录取及推荐的学生 |
9 月上至中旬 | 文件审核 | 通过高等院校推荐名单及确认获奖资格 |
9 月中至下旬 | 通知最后获选者 | 通知相关推荐机构 |
1. 获报读澳门高等院校录取及推荐
2. 获中华人民共和国驻所在国家使馆或所在国家教育部推荐
3. 澳门基金会确认
报名院校 | |
院校 | 网址 |
澳门大学 | www.um.edu.mo |
澳门理工大学 | www.mpu.edu.mo |
澳门科技大学 | www.must.edu.mo |
澳门城市大学 | www.cityu.edu.mo |
圣若瑟大学 | www.usj.edu.mo |
澳门旅游学院 | www.iftm.edu.mo |
地址:澳门新马路 61-75 号永光广场 7 楼
电话:853-87950920 / 853-87950913
办公时间:Mon-Thu: 09:00-13:00, 14:30-17:45; Fri: 09:00-13:00, 14:30-17:30
The Belt and Road Scholarships (Scholarships for Studying in Macao ) 2024/2025
Beneficiaries: Students from Portugal, Brazil, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Hungary and Mongolia
Destination of Studies: Macao
Courses to be Attended: Bachelor’s degree
Scholarship Amount (MOP /Person / Year): 100,000
Quotum (Person / Year): 10
Agenda | ||
Date | Task | |
3 June – 30 August | Application | Students recommended by the ministries of education in their respective home countries or the diplomatic and consular posts of the People’s Republic of China, who are also accepted and recommended by institutions of higher education in Macao. |
Early to mid-September | Assessment of documents | Approval of recommendation lists submitted by higher education institutions and confirmation of selectees by the Macao Foundation |
Mid to late September | Notification of final selectees | Notification to the institutions concerned |
Modes of recommendation and selection
1. Accepted and recommended by institutions of higher education in Macao
2. Recommended by the diplomatic and consular posts of the People’s Republic of China or ministries of education concerned
3. Confirmation by the Macao Foundation
Lists of Participating Institutions | |
Institutions | Website |
University of Macau | www.um.edu.mo |
Macao Polytechnic University | www.mpu.edu.mo |
Macau University of Science and Technology | www.must.edu.mo |
City University of Macau | www.cityu.edu.mo |
University of Saint Joseph | www.usj.edu.mo |
Macao Institute for Tourism Studies | www.iftm.edu.mo |
Macao Foundation
Address:Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, n.ºs 61-75, Circle Square, 7.º andar, MACAU
Tel:853-87950920 / 853-87950913
Office hours:Mon-Thu: 09:00-13:00, 14:30-17:45; Fri: 09:00-13:00, 14:30-17:30